Friday, November 23, 2018

My Time

     Recently I have been feeling very busy. I got my learner’s permit so I’ve been taking a driving class with a driving instructor. I always worried that I would accidentally hurt someone while on the road, but it’s not that bad if you know to be safe. It’s difficult for me to back up or know when other cars are letting me go, but I’m reaching the right speed limits and hitting the breaks less often. Every time I drive I’m starting to feel like I can drive and get my license.

     I also got a job at Target. I’m working in Style, which means I’m putting the clothes where they belong. I had trouble with figuring out my hours because I said on my application that I could work at times between 11 and 6, but they thought that meant I could work seven hours. I got it changed to 12 to 5 and I’m not sure how I can ask for a day off when I can’t work, but I know I can figure it out. The same things goes for how much payment I receive. Work is work, but the employees are nice and it keeps me busy, which makes it feel rewarding when I get to relax afterward.

     I understand it’s been a while since I’ve written, but I believe I can manage my new responsibilities and continue to write my blog now that I’m more in order than I was before.